April 15, 2019 – Volume 15 – No. 9 |
MAY 6 - 9, 2019
Walter E. Washington Convention Center
Washington, D.C. |
SATELLITE Starts With a Bang! |
Jeffrey Hill
Conference Chairman
We’ve now entered the final month in our mad dash to opening day at SATELLITE 2019. I hope everyone has booked their travel and is all set for an exciting week! I’d like to talk to you about what’s in store for you right away as you arrive at SATELLITE. We have created what is, in my opinion, the most exciting opening day program I’ve ever seen in my role as event chair.
We’ve already spoken about the incredible opening general session with seven (!) executives from a diverse group of top space and telecommunications companies (Lockheed Martin, Amazon Web Services, IBM, Hughes, Boeing, Isotropic Systems, and… Read More
Last Chance to Conduct a Presentation at SATELLITE 2019! With only 3 slots left to conduct a Tech Demonstration in the SATELLITE Unveiled Theater and deadlines looming for inclusion in show promotional and marketing materials, this is your last chance to secure a dedicated 30-minute opportunity on the topic of your choice …
Take a Look at What's Happening at SATELLITE 2019! #1 - Chances are you've heard about Amazon's new AWS Ground Station program. Recently, Via Satellite sat down for an interview with program manager Shayn Hawthorne to discuss how the Ground Station will be a "game-changer" for the industry, and their partnership…
SATELLITE Startup Pitch Workshop
More and more money is being poured into space startups than ever before, but there is also increased competition for financing. Attend this workshop, designed by the Space Frontier Foundation, to perfect your new company’s pitch so you can secure funding and get your new company off the ground! Attend and… READ MORE
SATELLITE 5K Fun Run, Sponsored by Space Alliance
Get ready to start your day with the SATELLITE community at the 5K Fun Run, Sponsored by Space Alliance! The 5K course will start at the Marriott Marquis Washington, DC and will go along the scenic route of downtown which includes views of: the White House, Washington Monument, the Lincoln Memorial, the Capitol Building, and… READ MORE
Official SATELLITE Mobile App, Sponsored by Artel LLC
The SATELLITE 2019 Mobile App, Sponsored by Artel LLC is your FREE resource to search exhibitors, speakers, sessions, networking events, and best way to stay up-to-date on all things SATELLITE while you’re at the show! Whether you’re interested in… READ MORE
Young Professional Meet-Up before SATELLITE
Want to share drinks, play Skee-Ball, and network with other young professionals attending the SATELLITE 2019 show? Join Via Satellite Managing Editor Annamarie Nyirady for a fun and relaxing evening before the big show begins at the Rocket Bar-cade! Show off your pool and shuffleboard skills! Play darts and classic arcade games! Meet Annamarie inside at 8pm.… READ MORE
New SDA Director Unveils Future LEO Space Architecture
Fred Kennedy, who previously led the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency’s (DARPA) Tactical Technology Office, said the main priority of the SDA is to build a proliferated communications and transport layer enmeshed network in low-Earth orbit. The network would be resilient and upgradeable, and derived from commercial systems… READ MORE
Airlines Race Toward Next Digital Transformation
Airlines must move faster in the digital world if they are to be successful, according to speakers at the Passenger Experience Conference in Hamburg. The success of airlines is critical for satellite operators and service providers, given how many hope that selling bandwidth for connected transportation will be… READ MORE